Payment Methods
Credit card ($5,000 max), cashiers check, or wire transfer.
Consignment Purchases
RV Washington is a Washington Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealer. As a consignment dealer we represent both the consignor and buyer in each transaction.
In order for RV Washington to complete this transaction it is necessary for RV Washington to first execute a legally binding purchase agreement with the consignor. This authorizes RV Washington to sell the RV for the agreed upon contract price.
Buyer Understands the only recourse they or RV Washington has to rescind a purchase contract is if the consignor refuses to make any repairs listed on the Buyers Inspection Delivery Guarantee Form. Buyer also understands their down payment is nonrefundable unless the contract is cancelled by terms listed allowing cancellation on the no cooling off form.
Washington Residents
Registration fees ARE STATE FEES and are paid to the Washington DOL when your Title/Registration paperwork is processed.
Washington's Motor Vehicle Divisions' policy on License plates is as follows:
- Washington DOL will send directly to you, the Buyer, your license plate and registration
- RV Washington does not receive or distribute your Registration and License Plate(s)
- If you require want an update on the status of your Plates & Registration you will need to please contact the Washington DOL directly
Non Washington Residents
Non-Washington residents are responsible for registering their RV in their home state. RV Washington will provide a (9) day nonresident registration permit to allow time for the customer to complete this their registration process.